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Double Murder (1977)

Double Murder (1977) - Drama Movies 120 minutes. Enquête à l'italienne, Doble asesinato, Duplo Assassinato, Kaksois murha, Dipli dolofonia, Kettős gyilkosság, Dviguba žmogžudyste, Doble asesinato, Podwójne morderstwo, Duplo Crime na Roma Antiga, Doble asesinato, 2 x mord, Doppelmord in Rom, Vom Blitz getroffen, Double Murder, 多皮奥蒂里托. Detective Baldassarre spends his forced exile sorting criminal records. He gets a chance to return to the line of fire when two people, an aristocrat and a worker are struck by lightning inside a fancy mansion. The incident would be relegated to freak accidents, but Baldassare's attention is drawn to the strangeness of the events and he begins to investigate.