Felix the Cat: The Movie (1988)
Felix the Cat: The Movie (1988) - Animation Filmer 82 minutter. Felix der Kater - Der Film (1988), Felix der Kater - Der Film, 新奇菲力貓. alternate dimension, scientist, magical object, cartoon cat, damsel in distress, evil ruler, felix the cat
Løslatt: Oct 01, 1988
Runtime: 82 minutter
Sjanger: Animation, Family, Fantasy, Adventure, Comedy
Stjerner: Chris Phillips, Marbry Steward, Peter Newman, Alice Playten, Susan Montanaro, Don Oriolo
Crew: Péter Kardos (Production Manager), Gábor Morvay (Production Manager), Tibor Hernádi (Director), Don Oriolo (Producer), Pete Brown (Screenplay), Janos Schenk (Producer)